Saturday, 20 September 2008


There is something about bands with bear in their name. Grizzly Bear, Panda Bear, Bearsuit, Minus the Bear etc etc. Maybe people who form bands and like bears are just cool?

Anyway, The bear in question today is Seabear.
Seabear started as a one-man project of Sindri Sigfússon, but he eventually ended up taking in six other members. This Icelandic band play their own variety of pure Scandinavian pop. I Sing I Swim is a beautiful flowing chystaline pop tune that adds a new dimension to twee. The Ghost That Carries Us Away is a beautiful example of what Iceland has to offer. An album of beautiful pop, with a wide array of supporting instrumentation.

Cat Piano has featured on Gossip Girl and the BBC over the last year. They are currently working on a new album and have a European tour this Autumn.

check them out on Myspace

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